The EMC2 is one of the ARTEMIS JU projects targeting innovation of Computing platforms for embedded systems, with special focus on the industrialisation of European research outcomes.
The main objective of EMC2 is to define a service oriented reference architecture allowing the efficient and sustainable integration of applications with different safety requirements into a single multi-core computation platform, targeting open and dynamic environments.
Following this approach, EMC2 will provide solutions for:
Dynamic Adaptability in Open Systems.
Utilization of expensive system features only as Service-on-Demand, as a means to reduce the total cost of the system.
Handling of mixed criticality applications under real-time conditions.
Scalability and maximum flexibility.
Full scale deployment and management of integrated tool chains, through the entire lifecycle.
EMC2 provides a paradigm shift towards a novel and sustainable architecture, more appropriate to manage open and dynamic embedded systems.
Integrasys participates in EMC2 collaborating in the provision of the Space Applications Living Lab, focusing on research and development of new techniques that leverage multi-core mixed-critical technologies to enhance the reliability of satellite based communications.
EMC2 is a Project cofunded by the European Commision and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (MINETUR).
EMC2 es un proyecto cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea y el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo (MINETUR).
Número de Expediente: ART-010000-2014-1