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Vectorsat Carrier Monitoring, I/Q demodulation and Carrier Under Carrier Detection (GENERAL FEATURES)


Vectorsat Includes Controlsat Carrier Monitoring base license, fastest Carrier & Spectrum Monitoring on the market.


Vectorsat allows the operator to measure and charectarize the interference under an existing carrier, moreover, Vectorsat allows to measure several Modulation parameters and Carrier ID as an option.


  • Automatic blind estimation of symbol rate, modulation and roll-off
  • Digital I/Q demodulation
  • Automatic mesurements of frequency, level, power, bandwidth, C/N and MER & FEC
  • RF interference detection
  • Carrier under carrier analysis
  • Constellation display
  • Recording and post measurements
  • Multiuser support


  • Manual: spectrum analyzer mode. The interface has all the functions provided by a spectrum analyser, and a very attractive and easy to use interface for analysing real time service events the requirements are on-site RF cables IP cables and a spectrum analyser supported; if this spectrum analyser has multi-inputs or an RF Switch or switching matrix supported, we can configure it to maximize the effectiveness of the spectrum.

    Automatic: Continuous monitor selected channels by the user. This can be done by importing a frequency plan or by manually selecting the channels saved on the database. This mode allows to have many lists and choose any time as the service changes.

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