European Framework Programme R&D
Integrasys has participated for over 20 years in the Framework Programmes of the European Commission, in the area of Information Society Technologies working as Software Developer, Systems Integrator and Testbed Designer.
Participation in the FP programmes has fostered Integrasys Research & Development capabilities in the areas of wireless and satellite communication systems and software and services architectures.
HTSEmpower -The High Throughput Satellite Enabler Instrument
MUSIC, Self-adapting applications for mobile users in ubiquitous computing environments
MADAM, Mobility and Adaptation Enabling Middleware
SAILOR, Satellite Integrated UMTS Emulator
FUTURE, Functional UMTS Real Emulator
FAIN, Future Active IP Networks
BRAHMS, BRoadband Access for High speed Multimedia via Satellite
SODETEL, SOftware DEvelopment improvement for TELecommunication applications using component-based & quality assurance methodologies
ICARUS, Integrated Components for Assisted Rescue and Unmanned Search Operations
DEWI Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastucture
EMC2 Embedded Multicore Systems for Mixed-Criticality Applications in Dynamic and Changeable Real-Time Environments
CABSINET, Cellular Access to Broadband Services and Interactive Television
FRAMES, Future Radio Wideband Multiple Access Systems
E-MOSION, Elderly friendly mobility service for Indoor and Outdoor scenarios
ELDERHOB, Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
LETIFLOW Activate Distributed Workflow System for elderly
TESTLIB, Use of Object-Oriented Test Libraries for Generic Re-Use of Test Code in Type Approval Computer-Controlled Test Systems